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India’s glittering show at Asian Games

The 2023 Asian Games held in Hangzhou proved to be a defining chapter in India's sporting history, as our nation's athletes delivered an extraordinary performance on the grand stage.

India's athletes showcased their mettle across a diverse range of sports, bringing home a bounty of medals. The 107 medals India clinched-28 gold, 38 silver and 41 bronze is the best-ever tally above the previous high of 70 medals secured at Jakarta in 2018.

While a lion’s share of the gold medals came from the three disciplines of track and field (six), shooting (seven) and archery (five), India earning podium finishes across 22 different sports points to the nation’s increasing diversification of excellence in sports. The rowers, squash players, kabaddi stars and the men’s hockey team impressed, there was a first-ever gold medal in equestrian, new heroes were found in roller-skating, wind-surfing, wushu (kung fu) and sepaktakraw (kick volleyball). Even cricket, which has long lived an insular life away from multi-disciplinary extravaganzas, joined the party, contributing to India’s tally with two golds.

The 2023 Asian Games in Hangzhou will forever be etched in the records of Indian sporting history as a momentous occasion. As the tricolour flew high and the national anthem echoed through Hangzhou, India celebrated not just victories but a testament to the nation's increasing sporting prowess and its bright future on the global stage.
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